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35 (A)Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

The Unknown Day and Hour.[a] 36 (B)“But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[b] but the Father alone. 37 [c](C)For as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

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  1. 24:36–44 The statement of Mt 24:34 is now counterbalanced by one that declares that the exact time of the parousia is known only to the Father (Mt 24:36), and the disciples are warned to be always ready for it. This section is drawn from Mark and Q (cf. Lk 17:26–27, 34–35; 12:39–40).
  2. 24:36 Many textual witnesses omit nor the Son, which follows Mk 13:32. Since its omission can be explained by reluctance to attribute this ignorance to the Son, the reading that includes it is probably original.
  3. 24:37–39 Cf. Lk 17:26–27. In the days of Noah: the Old Testament account of the flood lays no emphasis upon what is central for Matthew, i.e., the unexpected coming of the flood upon those who were unprepared for it.